Friday, August 10, 2007

Is Hillary the Right's Choice?

Bruce Bartlett claims that Hillary might be the right's choice for president. No thank you Bruce. I think it's nice for a lefty to tell the right just who they should like for president, but I think I'll take someone that's say.... not a socialist.

As a guy on the right, I do want Hillary as the democratic nominee, but not for the reason stated by Bartlett.

I want to see a blood bath where we finally get to put to rest this myth of the overwhelming popularity of the Clinton's. We have this Camelot, The Sequel, myth that Hillary's wife, Bill was this huuuugely popular president.

The fact is this in 1992 Mr. Rodham, received exactly 42% of the vote, 49% in 1996. Not exactly, the kind of numbers by which legends are made. This counts the fact the Bill is definitely more likable than his husband, Mr. Rodham.

So I looking forward to a Hillary - Rudy Death match where we finally get to wash the Clinton goo off our collective consciences. Like putting a stake in the heart of all this Clinton fantasy land.


Anonymous said...

Being one of the 42% that voted for Clinton (I'll own up to that stupidity), a look back at history will show that a lot of that vote was not so much a pro-Clinton vote as much as an anti-Bush the elder vote for his breaking his "Read My Lips...No New Taxes" pledge.

Also, Ross Perot was a big factor the first time around as well.

Anonymous said...

She sure looks HOT in those glasses!

Anonymous said...

Bruce Bartlett seems fond of wallowing in his own excrement these days. His contention of the 2008 race being "over" is his pretty much is own pundit-spun delusional fantasy-- in fact, the polls consistently show Giuliani in particular not only being competitive with, but beating Hillary Clinton, while even Fred Thompson poses a threat.

Bush in particular and the Republicans in general might be unpopular, but this does not translate into support for Hillary. For one thing, the Democrats are also unpopular-- support for Congress was even lower than Bush's abysmal ratings-- and hardly viewed as people inclined toward reform. For another, Rudy Giuliani benefits from being seen as an outsider with executive experience, while Hillary Clinton is seen as an insider in the Senate without executive experience-- which is why, in regard to voting for a single individual, Rudy is more popular.

Dan Bartlett is pathetic, a loser. The National Review should fire him immediately if they haven't already, as should any other conservative outlet, while Republicans on the ground should make his career miserable. He speaks for nobody, least of all conservatives and Republicans.