Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Yeah, better to get your news from the MSM

A while back, I posted on a piece from some clown talking about how the main stream media will always be the place for news over blogs because of the "serious" fact checking done by editors of said publications.

Well, another one bites the dust.

The New Republic scandal has finally hit the fan. If you haven't followed the events it goes like this.

First, an anonymous active army private sends diary to the New Republic.

Second, TNR prints excerpts of these entries despite the obvious sensational claims of the author.

Third, TNR comes out and states all claims have been "fact checked".

Fourth, the unreliable bloggers state the obvious problems with some of the entries. For instance, the writer claims that truck drivers would go out of their way to run over stray dogs even though most people with common sense would know that you're not likely to get a thrill out of running over dogs when the roads are laced with IED's.

Fifth, author "comes out".

Sixth, author signs a sworn statement claiming he made up many of the stories.

The fact is. TNR didn't do a serious "fact check" because all the information fit very nicely into their liberal, anti military paradigm. So why check when we know it's right.

And you wonder why I watch the news in the hopes of watching two hot anchors make out.

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