Monday, August 27, 2007

Writer's Block

Usually I come up with posts during my reading of the news in the morning. This morning I couldn't really find anything worth writing about until I read this fine comment on my Dante Allen post.

my guess is you a white over size teenager that get bully on so you try to put everyone else down.Grow up lame also you seem like you want to be his love intrest fag.

Are you serious?

Let's address this post ad infinitum (which I'm sure the commenter has no clue what that means.)

First, notice that the writer is more interested in my bullying of poor little Dante than he is of the murder little Dante committed. This person did a blog search looking for people persecuting poor Dante. But where's the same compassion for the kid this thug killed at a "peace rally" for cryin' out loud.

Second, I hope this person never got a high school diploma, it just says even more about why I found the need to move out of the city. Here's a clue you anonymous piece of excrement; you are an idiot.

Third, I wouldn't be Dante's bitch, he would be mine. This punk wouldn't be anything if he wasn't hiding behind a weapon.

Fourth, this post proves my many posts on the problems of the inner city. This moron is more interested in what Whitey has to say about poor Dante than actually calling out kids in the city doing all the killing.

I just wonder how this clown managed to get internet access.


Anonymous said...

The poster obviously didn't get a HS diploma either,or is it my inability to speak "jive".

Anonymous said...

My guess is he probably didn't go on line at the library.