Sunday, January 13, 2008

Comments from America's first black president

Apparently, Slick's upset that people are criticizing him and Billary on race issues

Former President Bill Clinton is expressing frustration with the backlash in the black community over his claim in New Hampshire that the press has coddled Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill).

“This is what happens any time anyone tries to question a statement or a position of Senator Obama,” Clinton says in an interview now airing on Sirius satellite radio. “The response is, ‘You’re attacking me personally,’ and that relieves him of the obligation to address the substance.”
I know you're going to find this hard to believe, but I'm with Slick on this one. After all, he is this country's first black president. If we didn't learn anything from the Don Imus affair, we know it's OK for black's to say what they want about other black's but not whitey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when the dems and libs eat their own.