Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tony Snow Schools the Maher Panel

Speaking facts to idiots doesn't get far when they don't want to learn.

Hat Tip Mike McConnell


Joe C. said...

It's amazing listening to the number of blog myths that these leftists rely on as facts on which to base their beliefs and arguments.

Anonymous said...

I listened top this a couple of times. If you notice, their were about 1000 liberal complaints about things in the past. (Yes there were mistakes). But like all liberal rhetoric, there was not one, not one actual solution or idea proposed by any of these flamers.

If Tony were to have taken the same approach, he could have veered off talking the drug scene that the liberals introduced America to back in the 60's which has killed a thousand fold more young men and women than the Iraq war ever will. Then just keep lamenting about it endlessly even though it won't change the past.

Instead Tony only had truth and facts, which of course means nothing to them if the end result works against getting a tax raising socialist into the white house.

The Squeaky Wheel said...

Cute and snarky. Tony is right, that is all they care about being.

Trust me, Liberals LOVE the dead soldiers. they LOVE to see the military fail. It makes for cute remarks and lets them appear to be right.

The Dems have a contempt for the military and anything Republican, and the more that are killed the better they feel about themselves.

Listen to them... They WANT the surge to fail. They want to respond to everything with "We should not have gone to begin with" meanwhile all but one of their candidates, including her Thighness, Hillary voted FOR this war, and even the apostle Obama votes to continue the funding.

They live for bumper sticker politics but at the end of the day, without dead soldires, they have no talking points.

Trust me, they LOVE to see dead military people... They hate them anyway.

To believe anything less is a lie.

"But Squeaky, they care about the military, that is why they don't want them there."

Bullshit. They voted to send them, they vote to fund the war. They NEED this war to help them win votes. Trust me, they may want the surge to work and they may, MAY want to win, but not before the November elections. They actually collect polling data on how to spin a surge success. They poll and market research how to counter success since they count on and use dead soldiers for votes.

Blood for oil? No, Dems use Blood for Votes!