Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Why our country is in such bad shape

If you ever wonder why our country is in such bad shape you need look no further than the Michigan primary.

Romney promised a return of the Michigan auto industry; an industry that everyone knows will never return to the glory day of the '60's and '70's. In addition, Romney promised better presents from the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and better pay offs from the tooth fairy.

McCain, to his credit, let Michiganders know that the auto business will never return to Michigan. And just as I said in a previous post, part of fixing a problem is recognizing said problem.

Unfortunately, Michiganders bought into the fairy tale and Romney.

How can any serious change ever take place when we have an electorate who only wants smoke blown up their collective asses? It's no wonder social security is in the mess it's in.

Wait! What's that sound? It's the sound of another moving van loading up in Detroit on it's way to a red state.

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