Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gotta watch those choir students

Two students attending Eagan and Apple Valley high schools were expelled last week after buying souvenir swords during a spring break choir trip in the United Kingdom.

A chaperone found the duct-taped boxes that held the swords after the students left the store. The swords were confiscated on the trip and never made it to Minnesota. The students flew home several days early, and the district disciplined the students when they returned.

"The severity of the punishment didn't fit the crime here," said Brad Briggs, 45, an Eagan resident and father of one of the expelled teens. "There was no intent of violence."

Oh, that's what you think. Of course, every student in the choir fits the profile of some angry, gun, I mean sword, clinging hick looking to slice off the heads of all those students on the spring trip. They might even believe in God......

It wasn't that long ago when I went to school and I remember those vicious sword wielding, choir students roaming the halls looking to slice innocent students in half.

In all seriousness, how can young people grow up to be self respecting, stable adults when their adult role models act like babies. My guess, the people involved in the expulsion were probably "progressives".

I just hope the rest of the students got some grief counseling from the threat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait until my children are out of the public school system. God help my grandchildren.