Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Typical White Chick on Typical White Guys

Nora Ephron at the Huffington Post on us typical white guys.
Here's another thing I don't like about this primary: now that there are only two Democratic candidates, it's suddenly horribly absolutely crystal-clear that this is an election about gender and race. This may have always been true, but weeks ago it wasn't so obvious -- once upon a time there were eight candidates, and although six of them withered away, their presence in the campaign managed to obscure things. Even around the time of Ohio, when there were primarily three candidates, the outlines were murky, because Edwards was still in there, picking up votes from all sectors.

But now there are two and we're facing Pennsylvania and whom are we kidding? This is an election about whether the people of Pennsylvania hate blacks more than they hate women. And when I say people, I don't mean people, I mean white men. How ironic is this? After all this time, after all these stupid articles about how powerless white men are and how they can't even get into college because of overachieving women and affirmative action and mean lady teachers who expected them to sit still in the third grade even though they were all suffering from terminal attention deficit disorder -- after all this, they turn out (surprise!) to have all the power. (As they always did, by the way; I hope you didn't believe any of those articles.)

To put it bluntly, the next president will be elected by them: the outcome of Tuesday's primary will depend on whether they go for Hillary or Obama, and the outcome of the general election will depend on whether enough of them vote for McCain. A lot of them will: white men cannot be relied on, as all of us know who have spent a lifetime dating them. And McCain is a compelling candidate, particularly because of the Torture Thing. As for the Democratic hope that McCain's temper will be a problem, don't bet on it. A lot of white men have terrible tempers, and what's more, they think it's normal.

Some thoughts for Nora

1) The reason you have problems dating white guys probably says more about you than us. Nora, sweetie, you want to know why you can't rely on a white guy while you're dating? Probably because they'll tell you anything you want to hear just to get rid of you. My guess is most guys would lie to you just to get you out of their car. In the future, when they say they're going to call, don't wait by the phone.

By the way, just because that one guy couldn't have sex with you unless you wore a ball gag is no reason to believe that we all like torture.

In my mind, this is the same attitude displayed by NOW and abortion. Most men can't stand to be around these women long enough to actually get one pregnant. Abortion would seem like a moot point to me.

2) Like most things run by the democratic party, it's run a pack of amateurs. Of course white guys need to step in and bail it out, like they have to do over and over again. If you ran this primary like the republicans, The Billary would be your nominee and you could move on to the general. But nooooooooooooooooo. we have to make sure everyone's feelings are taken care of and that everyone gets a ribbon or a trophy when they go home so everyone can be a winner. Out of curiosity, does everyone get a juice box at the convention? You want to be treated like an adult? Act like one.

3) Once again, your party is totally defined by identity. If you can identify yourself as a victim you're welcome in. Unfortunately, there just aren't enough victim groups in this country to actually win an election. I mean, you can't actually have more victims than victimizers can you? So guess what? The DNC had to open it's tent up to include just enough white guys to win an election. And now they're pissed that these guys are calling the shots? Hello?

4) You think white guys have a temper? Have you read your own piece? I'm still wiping the anger and bitterness off my shirt. Nora, honey, are you working through your anger issues with a therapist? Just because that typical nice, cute, employed, white guy dumped your ass for some babe that wasn't a dip shit, is no reason to take it out on the rest of us.

5) You gotta love the irony. The democrats worked so hard to make one of their aggrieved voter bases president of the United States and now they have this mess. Of course, now, if you vote for Obamania, you hate women, if you vote for The Billary, you hate blacks. So why not vote for McCain so you can be accused of hating them both? You're going to get bitched at anyway, might as well get what you want.... Sounds like my marriage to my ex wife.

I'm not a McCain fan, but this is the type of kid like temper tantrum that has me absolutely refusing to even consider a democrat for elected office. The thought of one of these people sitting behind a desk surrounded with their sippy boxes and sixth place soccer trophies just doesn't instill a lot a confidence that they are actually adults.


Anonymous said...

Nora is such a sour grapes biatch.
As far as I am concerned it is not about race or gender, it is about which candidate most follows my way of thinking.
And who is least likely to lead us down the the road to socialism.
And which candidate will preserve and defend the Constitution and which candidate will not sell out the country and which candidate will ...ad nanauseam.
When the Dems put forth a candidate that carries such credentials, no matter what race or gender, then they will get my vote.

Oh and I bet Hillary could throw a tantrum just ask the Arkansas State Police.

Anonymous said...

If one divided up America into all different groups based on the usual liberal criteria: gender, skin color, sexual orientation, yadda, yadda, there would be two surprises...

1) The heterosexual, white male is nowhere near the majority it's made out to be. Maybe 30% of the population.

2) The heterosexual, white male is the most likely to vote outside their gender and race. That is, with gender/race the only factor, a white male is more likely to vote for a black or a female than a black or a female is to vote for a white male.

What this whining Nora chick totally misses is that gender/race is not the only factor, in fact it's a non-factor with most white males. Policy is the deciding factor. Most white males have equal distain for Hillary and Obama, and it has absolutely nothing to due with gender or skin color.

gordon gekko said...

Excellent point. The dems have all aligned themselves with the victim most like themselves.

Since white guys aren't victims, for the most part, they are free to vote their wishes regardless of color, sex or religion.