Thursday, May 15, 2008

The GOP panic

According to the WSJ, the GOP is petrified about this fall's election.
Democrats won with 54% of the vote in a district that a Republican won with 66% in 2006 and that President Bush carried in 2004 by 25 points. It was the GOP's third special election loss this year, and it has Democrats predicting that November will be another rout of 2006 proportions. Oklahoma's Tom Cole, who runs the National Republican Congressional Committee, captured the GOP reaction when he declared that "There is no district that is safe for Republican candidates."

This is the lesson Republicans should have learned in 2006, but the Members preferred to blame their failure on President Bush and Iraq. House Republicans pooh-poohed their own earmarking scandals, spending excesses and overall wallowing in the Beltway status quo. Rather than rethink their habits, they re-elected the same party leaders and even kept Jerry Lewis as their chief Appropriator. Congressman John Shadegg of Arizona is right when he says that "Since the 2006 elections, Republicans have done absolutely nothing to redefine themselves. We can't even get behind an earmark moratorium bill."

In all seriousness. Why should the GOP care? Exactly how does the US look with their leadership over LollaPelosi & Co.?

If it's just about power, they'll lose each and every election from here until the end of time. After all, how do you compete against a party who promises something for nothing when you have no vision or mission to accomplish.

It's not rocket science, but apparently only the architect, Karl Rove, seems to get it.

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