Saturday, May 17, 2008

Appeasers, Inc.

Only Steyn can put the whole Bush-Obamania-appeaser dust up this way.
Increasingly, the Western world has attitudes rather than policies. It's one thing to talk as a means to an end. But these days, for most midlevel powers, talks arethe end, talks without end. Because that's what civilized nations like doing – chit-chatting, shooting the breeze, having tea and crumpets, talking talking talking. Uncivilized nations like torturing dissidents, killing civilians, bombing villages, doing doing doing. It's easier to get the doers to pass themselves off as talkers then to get the talkers to rouse themselves to do anything.

Even though he didn't even mention Obamania by name, I'm sure their narcissism will have them convinced he was.


Anonymous said...

How long have the elites been talking about solutions to Darfur?

gordon gekko said...

But discussions on darfur have been a great success. There's a unanimous consensus that everyone get together in Paris and continue discussions.