Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Audacity of Socialism

Investor Business Daily with a series on Obamamania's socialist background and governing tendencies.

Today Part 7 on Reparations
Election '08: Barack Obama says Washington shouldn't just offer apologies for slavery, but also "deeds." Don't worry, he says, he's not talking about direct reparations. Relieved? Don't be.

'I consistently believe that when it comes to . . . reparations," Obama recently told a gathering of minority journalists, "the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."

A few days later, he clarified his remarks, saying he's not calling for direct cash payments to descendents of slaves, but rather indirect aid in the form of government programs that will "close the gap" between what he sees as white America and black America.

He says government should offer "universal" programs — such as universal health care, universal mortgage credits, college tuition, job training and even universal 401(k)s — that "disproportionately affect people of color."

In other words, reparations by another name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reparations are such bullshit. My ancestors did not own slaves, why should I pay? What about the Blacks who have been successful on their own, isn't this kinda of a slap in the face?