Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How much is fair? The Obamamunist quiz

We all know the rich don't pay enough. Right? So here's a quiz for all you Obamamunists who believe the rich don't pay enough.

Let's take the example of John and Suzie Rich.

John and Suzie both work in Cincinnati and make $125,000 each. They have two kids and annual mortgage interest of $32,500. Since they're rich like Joe Biden, let's assume they give nothing to charity.

The questions

How much do Joe and Suzie currently pay in federal, FICA, medicare, state of Ohio and city of Cincinnati taxes?

How much should they pay to make it "fair"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What was the line in "Family Vacation" after Clark had two locals fix his car in the middle of nowhere? Something like...

"OK guys, how much do I owe?"

"How much you git?"