Saturday, October 25, 2008

Who will she vote for? #79

Meet Kena Ross.

Why is Ms. Ross in the news?

A 29-year-old mother of seven from Winton Hills is facing 10 years in prison after being convicted of endangering children. Kena Ross handcuffed her young children because she was afraid they would eat all of the food in the house. The abuse was discovered after Ross and her boyfriend Christopher Gray took Ross's 4-year-old son to the hospital two weeks after he suffered a bad burn to his hand.

Doctors noticed the cuff marks on the boy's wrist and notified police.

What none of the news services wanted to mention was that Ms. Ross had six children with a seventh on the way ( as I heard on WLW friday night )..... at 29 YEARS OLD......

So I guess I should have some compassion for a person who screwed up and made the mistake of having an unplanned pregnancy. (1)

So I guess I should have some compassion for a person who screwed up and made the mistake of having an unplanned pregnancy. (2)

So I guess I should have some compassion for a person who screwed up and made the mistake of having an unplanned pregnancy. (3)

So I guess I should have some compassion for a person who screwed up and made the mistake of having an unplanned pregnancy. (4)

So I guess I should have some compassion for a person who screwed up and made the mistake of having an unplanned pregnancy. (5)

So I guess I should have some compassion for a person who screwed up and made the mistake of having an unplanned pregnancy. (6)

So I guess I should have some compassion for a person who screwed up and made the mistake of having an unplanned pregnancy. (7)

So let me ask you libs who want to enable Ms. Ross breeding habits. Where's your compassion for the children Ms. Ross and her f*^k buddy were abusing in their home?

So vote for Obama if you believe we need more down on their luck types like this piece of crap.

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