Monday, October 20, 2008

Let the townies run it

A couple of nice pieces by Bill Kristol and Randall Hoven on the conservative elites assaults on Sarah Palin.

Apparently, people like Noonan, Brooks, et al don't like Palin because she lacks metropolitan "sensibilities".

Let me offer something to these conservative elites. Was it small town people who came up with Collateralized Debt Obligations? How about Credit Default Swaps? Was it small town types who refer to an increase in federal funding of 2.3% as a cut?

You know my father never graduated from high school but he's always left me with some sage advice from just doing life with people.

One thing he told me was "if you can't draw up a deal on the back of a cocktail napkin, its too complicated".

Maybe it's about time that small town conservatives got a shot at running our governments. Look at what those cosmopolitan types have done with since they've had it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm a small town auditor. I think I could be the budget director and probably do a dang fine job!

At least I wouldn't put the country in a multi-trillion dollar hole.