How do you know that liberals run newspapers?
Because their knowledge of economics is nonexistent.
Take for instance, the Cincinnati Enquirer, who's readership has dropped like all the Obama newsletters around the country. This despite the fall of the Cincinnati Post.
How do they handle a drop in readership?
They raise the price of the daily paper from fifty to seventy five cents.
Enquirer meet Price-Demand curve. You would have run into this guy in college had you decided to take an Econ class instead of Russian Lit.
See, when price goes up, demand for your product goes down.
People already knew the paper wasn't worth 50 cents with all the PrObama pieces in it. That's why readership has been dropping. My guess is even more will decide it's easier to just give the Obama campaign 300 bucks a years and get on their email list than to buy your paper every day.
Good luck on this one.
Brought to you by the same people who thought raising the presidential campaign fund from $1.00 to $3.00 would increase participation.
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