Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Now they tell us

Of course, just three weeks ago, when Bush was president, we couldn't act fast enough on global warming to ebb the tide of our inevitable man made, carbon emitting, doom.

But that was then, before Mr. Obama took over the office of the President-Elect.

Now it's whoa, whoa, whoa; let's no be too hasty in doing something that might wreck our economy because our science may not be all that good.....
The National Academy of Sciences and most major scientific bodies agree that global warming is caused by man-made carbon emissions. But a small, growing number of scientists, including D’Aleo, are questioning how quickly the warming is happening and whether humans are actually the leading cause.

Armed with statistics from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climate Data Center, D’Aleo reported in the 2009 Old Farmer’s Almanac that the U.S. annual mean temperature has fluctuated for decades and has only risen 0.21 degrees since 1930 — which he says is caused by fluctuating solar activity levels and ocean temperatures, not carbon emissions.

Data from the same source shows that during five of the past seven decades, including this one, average U.S. temperatures have gone down. And the almanac predicted that the next year will see a period of cooling.

“We’re worried that people are too focused on carbon dioxide as the culprit,” D’Aleo said. “Recent warming has stopped since 1998, and we want to stop draconian measures that will hurt already spiraling downward economics. We’re environmentalists and conservationists at heart, but we don’t think that carbon is responsible for hurricanes.”

But then again, maybe I've got it wrong. After all, the current office holder of the president elect told us back in June that global warming was ending.

“I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” B. Obama (6/4/08)

So maybe it's just healed because The Messiah said it so and the media reported it as such.

By the way, the current score to the global warming challenge Warm 338 Cool 333.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives can see reality and manage our solutions within constraints.

Liberals see problems everywhere and manage solutions to all the problems with total disregard for the conflict between the solutions.

Case in point: Conservatives would like to build a vibrant economy. They also would like to minimize harm to the environment. But these two are sometimes in conflict. So, being honest people, we are uncomfortable promising both.

Libs on the other hand have no problem promising both plus a million other things that all conflict with one another. Now Obama is backing off almost every one of his promises, which tells me he knew all along he was promising lies to get elected.

So who will benefit most from the Obama presidency? It's a crap shoot. I would think that the unions are not happy, nor the enviro whackos, from what has been said so far.

I think the likelyhood of conservatives vs. liberals getting elected is a pendulum swing. The more open people are open to believing in fantasy the more they are willing to vote for a lib. Luckily this is a self-healing illness cured by the onset of reality. At this point true conservatives are allowed once again to speak and common sense will once again be heard.