Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What ever got accomplished in a meeting?

One of the things that aided my transformation from a bleeding heart liberal to a cold blooded conservative is my absolute hatred for meetings.

And who do you think is the party of meetings?

I'm thinking democrats. Why? I can't think of one damn thing that ever got accomplished from a meeting.

Case in point, The Big O wants to handle Iran and North Korea's nuclear ambitions how?

By having some meetings.......
Barack Obama vowed to turn to the U.N. Security Council for strong action following North Korea's weekend missile launch. He would have done better by turning to Dr. Phil.

So, as the good doctor likes to say: Get real. Get real about North Korea. Get real about the U.N. Get real, also, about NATO, arms control, Russia, the global financial system, and every other item headlining the president's unreality tour through the capitals of Europe.

Start with North Korea. What was the purpose of the missile test? Surely not (or not mainly) to showcase the efficacy of North Korean technology, which Dear Leader Kim Jong Il must have known was likely to fail. The real test conducted Sunday was of Mr. Kim's international position. And here he scored a direct hit.

At the U.N., China's ambassador counseled a "cautious and proportionate" response, which is tantamount to no response at all. Russia wondered, in a style worthy of Andrei Gromyko, whether Pyongyang had actually violated the terms of Resolutions 1695 and 1718, which demand, inter alia, that the North "not conduct any further nuclear test or launch of a ballistic missile." (My emphasis.)

But the greatest prize for Mr. Kim was the reaction from President Obama. "Rules must be binding," the president told his audience in Prague on Sunday. "Violations must be punished. Words must mean something." But how are words supposed to mean anything if all the administration proposes to do is offer up yet another resolution -- which is to say, more words?

To nobody's surprise (except, perhaps, Mr. Obama's) the Security Council has so far failed to agree on a resolution. But that's the U.N. for you, as opposed to a serious organization like NATO, at whose 60th anniversary summit in Strasbourg . . . nothing much was accomplished, either.

The only thing to ever come out of meetings is a commitment to more meetings.

Think about it, the UN has been having kick the can meetings on Darfur for the better part of a decade. How's that working out?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The meeting will continue until we discover why no work is being done.