Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Support your levies

I'm not all that big on advising people on how to vote levies. People have all kinds of reasons to support or not support levies and as far as I'm concerned, they're all valid.

What I don't believe is valid are the people who "support" levies but won't support the cause when they fail.

For instance, in Hamilton County we have an MR/DD levy, a library levy, a levy to support Union Terminal and a state wide bond levy to support veterans; not to mention the myriad of school levies across the state. If you are one of those types who believes strongly in these organizations, how about supporting them with cash instead of a vote. Not cash when everyone else has to kick in via a levy. But an actual check FUBU (From You By You).

During this past May's election, I read about all the greedy people who didn't support the school levy in our school district. However, if the all the people who voted for it simply kicked in the amount of the levy (about $80.00 per average household), it would have generated between 1 and 1.5 million to the schools.

You'll see that actually did practice what I preach and sent money to three different school districts across the state.

But do you think any of these other school "supporters" kicked in? Including those with children in the schools?

That would be a big negative, zero, nada, love, goose egg.

It's oh so liberal for clowns like Joe Biden and others who give a whopping 300 bucks to charity every year but criticize people who don't support high taxes as unpatriotic.

It's a huge attitude of "I can't be generous unless my neighbor is". What's that all about? And is that really support or generosity?

So here's the deal. Until you are ready and willing to support a cause with money from you own pocket regardless of whether or not your neighbor does; don't judge them.

It really says a lot more about you than them.

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