Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Smokefree Ohio Voter Fraud

Where's Jennifer Brunner?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You must realize that a well funded "war on smokers" is underway. Here's where it started:

And what the 99 million dollars was going to. Note on page seven the "inside -out", provision going for patios later, AFTER business owners spend thousands of dollars to build them to accommodate their smoking customers, clearly showing that the tobacco control activists have ABSOLUTLY NO CONCERN about local issues or businesses. You may need to CTRL and scoll to enlarge it.

Here's the "model ban" from page eight that many communities copied, printed, and passed. It's the "smoking ban for dummies" It only takes a few minutes to fill in the blanks naming your community, the administrators names, and blanks to customize it to your community. Note that it doesn't mention patios. They don''t want anyone to know that they will be targeted next.