Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Global Warming Challenge Update

The month of November was a big comeback for the Branch Gorevidian warming alarmists in my Global Warming Challenge.

The average high temperature for the month of November was 56.7 degrees versus an historical high of 53.6 degrees.

The average low temperature was 38.3 degrees versus an historical low of 35.7 degrees.

That brings the score to a tie of

Warm 11
Cool 11

Now I could be like your average climate "scientist" and not share my data with you or communicate how I computed my figures and just tell you to trust me. But I'm a lowly novice who doesn't know anything but the common sense my parents instilled in me. Therefore, if you want to check my work click here.

Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to delete large quantities of data off of my computer which probably disqualifies me as a serious scientist.

By the way, that p&%^y Eric from Plunderbong has refused to show up and take me up on my challenge and "put his money where his mouth is". I guess he doesn't really believe or he be more than willing to take some money from the great Gordon Gekko. I mean c'mon, unlike a climate scientist, he can at least get the benefit of checking my work.

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