Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Connie Pillich

Doug Ross with a great post on the expanding commendations of Connie Pillich.

What the hell is the deal with her wearing her ribbons in civilian attire?


Shirley said...

According to Air Force Instruction 36-2903, Chapter 4, section 4, "Honorably discharged and retired Air Force members may wear full-size or miniature medals on civilian suits on appropriate occasions such as Memorial Day and Armed Forces Day. Female members may wear
full-size or miniature medals on equivalent dress."

So, she was doing exactly what she was supposed to do. Indeed, "According to the VA, veterans don't need to wear their medals only if they're in a parade. "Wear them when you go play golf. Wear them when you go to the store. Let America know that you took that oath and served.”"

Representative Pillich only wears her decorations during military events, such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day. She honorably served for several years. How long did Wilson serve?

gordon gekko said...


1) I notice that your comments are exactly the same as you posted on Doug Ross's site.

2) I will assume that Pillich's wearing of the ribbons in civilian attire is within military code

3) With that said, I still think it looks stupid.

4) Since Pillich likes to wear that military service so proudly, I'd like to know why she didn't have the backbone to take my wallet last summer when I offered to give it to her to spend as she wishes.

She likes to stand behind the statehouse for stealing my money but she doesn't have the guts to do it in person.

Anonymous said...

You think military ribbons "look stupid" and you question why someone didn't want to steal your wallet? This is a joke, right? Because if not, I hope you never have the audacity to tell one of our brave service members returning from Iraq or Afghanistan that their military ribbons "look stupid." It might result in a public lynching. If you want to criticize someone for their policies, fine. But those who would criticize someone for their patriotism and pride in service are walking a mighty fine line, especially with other veterans.

gordon gekko said...

Hey here's an idea! How about actually reading my comment.

And I'll stand by the comment. Military ribbons in civilian attire looks odd.

I've never seen anyone do it before so I'm thinking she's doing it to exploit her service.