Friday, September 03, 2010

Questions for the eco lib

During my life as a Christian, I have learned that God gave humans dominion over planet Earth, Eden, if you will.

As part of our dominion, we are responsible for it's use and misuse and when judgment day comes, we all be judged with how we used/misused our gifts.

Seems fair enough to me.

But what I don't get is the mindset of your average global warming kook. For instance.....

1) Many of these people tend to be humanists, meaning they don't have a belief in an after life. In fact, many believe our souls are no different than your average horse, cheetah, snake or flea.

If that's the case, then why do you care so much about saving the planet? I mean, who the hell are we actually saving it for? An unborn and/or yet to be conceived kangaroo? Seems kind of odd given that most environmentalist don't seem to have a problem whacking an unborn human from a womb. Shouldn't that person get a chance to experience this wonderful world? Or at least as much as a future extinct animal or plant?

2) Since so many of these folks believe that humans are no different than a dog, elk or hippo, what's the big deal about their procreation? Let's face it every animal in the animal kingdom live to do four things..... eat, crap, procreate and become food for another. What exactly makes that wrong for humans?

3) If you truly believe, like Discovery boy does, that humans continued procreation is a problem for the rest of nature. Then explain to me why exactly you are still here on earth chewing up vitally important carbon?

Seriously. How is it that your continued abuse of carbon is somehow better than the carbon use of some unborn human (animal) yet to be born?

And who the hell are you to look down on Jon and Kate's eight when you won't say word one to the neighborhood rat who's had seventy five babies? And let's face, it most of us were probably a product of some family with 6 plus kids somewhere along the family tree.

Finally, where exactly is the environmentalist outcry over the crazy carbon abuses from those like Al Gore, Sheryl Crow et al. Al Gore maintains over 300,000 square feet of housing for his family and is on a jet heading to some conference nearly every day. With today's technology, he could very easily do all these presentations via teleconference. Ever heard of Skype?

Sheryl Crow has no problem loading up a tour bus full of roadies, semi's full of equipment, flying to all these venues, for what? To listen to music we could have on a DVD. To say it's about the live experience; that's bull. When The Gekko's saw Eric Clapton this summer, we were so far away from the stage, we ended up watching on a TV anyway.

I'll start buying in to the eco lib religious indoctrination as soon as they start walking the talk. Going into a Discovery condemning someone else for doing what you're not willing to do on your own doesn't qualify.

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