Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Are car seats safer?

I'm old enough to remember when you could have 5 - 10 kids in a car or back of a pick up truck. None of them belted in or in car seats.

But after reading this I have to wonder if that wasn't a lot safer than what we're doing with kids today.........

Leawood, KS - August 27, 2010 - Children are dying in hot cars at alarming rates. At least thirty-nine (39) children have died so far this year with more summer weather still to come. Eleven (11) of those children perished since the beginning of August. Approximately 50% of the 2010 incidents involved children getting into an unlocked vehicle on their own and the other half were unknowingly ‘forgotten’ by an adult caregiver who became distracted when they left the vehicle. It takes only minutes for a child to be at risk of death and serious, permanent injury in a hot car.

“This heartbreaking news can only be met with the need to increase awareness about these predictable but very preventable tragedies,” said Janette Fennell, founder and president of “We are reaching out to the media to request their assistance to add warning messages during their broadcasts, include safety tips in print media and on their web sites.” A map that provides information about the number of vehicular heat stroke fatalities for each state can be found at:!/pages/KidsAndCarsorg/128148590541866?ref=ts

The overall goal of the outreach campaign is to ensure no more children die in 2010 because they were locked inside a hot vehicle. “It is vital to engage the power of the media to get this life-saving information into the hands of families quickly and with the same high profile frequency used during product recalls or anytime eminent danger befalls America’s children” Fennell added. “We want parents and caregivers to take immediate precautions so that a similar tragedy does not happen to them or anyone in their family.”

Here's an idea. Let's have the kids in the front seat where people can actually see them while they're driving.

Oh we can't do that because of the damn air bags in the cars that make them "safer".


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