Monday, October 25, 2010

Good news?


This is pretty impressive.

The Hamilton County Board of Elections has done a good job of providing detailed early voting numbers for this election and referencing back to previous elections so we can properly compare where we're at.

So far this year, 16,309 Republicans have returned their absentee ballots. 13,019 Democrats have returned theirs.

In 2008 with the same number of days to go before the election, 15,772 Republicans had submitted their ballots and 20,432 Democrats had submitted theirs.

In other words, at this point in time, more Republicans are turning out in Hamilton County this year than turned out for the presidential election at the same point of time.

Here's what I don't know about this news. Keep in mind that in Ohio, a number of registered republicans switched their party affiliation during the 2008 election to vote for the Billary. I'm certain that many of them switched back this past election. So are the number of those people significant in the totals noted above? I don't know.

None the less, it's definitely not bad news.


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