Monday, October 22, 2007

But Seriously

If you are one of these save the children SCHIP types I have a question for you. How is it that you can trust the government to manage such a big program effectively when....

1) Our infrastructure crumbles before our eyes. Bridges that needed replacing 10 years ago are 10 years from having a replacement plan.

2) Medicare is running a 10-17 trillion dollar unfunded liability that will need to be funded when the baby boomers hit retirement. Don't you think you'd want to shore that up before you went and added another big ole entitlement.

3) Social Security. See #2

4) Have you ever gone into a government office and not waited in a long ass line for service.

It occurs to me that before we entrust government with one more responsibility, maybe they need to show they can effectively manage what they already have.

Just remember the slogan our reps and senators tell each other...... "Congress.... If we weren't here, we'd be in jail".

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