Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ohio Job Killers

Maggie Thurber has a great breakdown of this goofy Sick Days Ohio campaign making it's way through the signature process.

Highlights of the bill.

* people who work part-time would get pro-rated days

* the sick leave would accumulate monthly and accrual would start immediately, even if a new employee might not be able to access said days until after being employed 90 days (probationary period)

* you could carry over days, but employers wouldn't be required to permit the accumulation of more than 7 per year (meaning employers could allow them to accumulate to whatever level they choose above the 7 days)

* you can accumulate and use the sick time in hourly increments

* an employer may only require an employee to provide certification from a health professional if the absence covers more than three consecutive work days, and the employee would then have to provide the employer with such certification within thirty days

* employers could be fined for not properly posting the notice of this law

* employers may not eliminate or reduce existing leave policies to comply with the provisions of the proposed law and should not be discouraged from providing a more generous leave policy

* unions could still bargain for more leave

* employers cannot use paid sick leave taken pursuant to this Act as a negative factor in an employment action, such as hiring, promotion, or a disciplinary action; or count the use of paid sick leave under a no-fault attendance policy

I was presented a petition last summer and signed it Seymour Butts.

Another Ohio job killer.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

And this group is starting a state-wide publicity campaign ... today they're in Toledo. I'll be attending, maybe asking some questions, and then discussing it on my radio show this evening (http://www.wspd.com/pages/eyeontoledo2.html) ...

Should prove interesting