Saturday, October 20, 2007


I read this headline this morning

Pelosi Makes Political Misstep
in Reversal on Armenian Genocide

Misstep? She's knee high in cow manure and it's a misstep.

The problem with democrats in the house and senate, is that their governance is all about trying to make republicans look bad. But all it's succeeded in doing is painting themselves as anti-American.

Consider the whole Harry Reid rush Limbaugh flap versus the General "Betray us" stink by

As much as I criticize republicans for being about power over principle; the democrats can be criticized for being about power at the expense of anything thing American.

It looks like things may be looking up for the GOP here soon. Unfortunately, it won't be because of anything they did, it's because of their opponent's incompetence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This woman is clueless. She demonstrates the liberals' achilles heal. She gets her understanding of average Americans by reading the liberal media's opinion of her. Nothing could be farther off.