Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Identity Politics

Below I mentioned Plunderbund (read the comments as well) is having a cow because apparently some white folks in Appalachia voted for The Billary instead of Obamamania.

Here's one of the takes
Identity politics suck.....

Are you kidding me? Democratic politics are nothing but "identity politics". The whole purpose of being a democrat is to align yourself with some "victim" group. The whole party apparatus is about taking from the victimizer to give to the victim....

Black v. White
Worker v. Management
Women v. Men
Gay v. Straight
Nature v. Humans

And now this guy is surprised that some voters in Appalachia might decide that they might get more out of The Billary than Obamamania and actually vote in a manner consistent with that.


Democrats have been writing this victim narrative for the better part of four decades; only the common victimizers were lily white republican males; it was so easy.

But now we have opposing victim groups voting based on the very identity politics these same people invented... and they're surprised.

What are you going to tell me next? That water is wet? That a bear shits in the woods? etc.

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