Saturday, April 12, 2008

Quit taxing my beer

Obamania. Do you really want to know why us "typical white guys" are angry and why we cling to our guns.....

Joe Six-pack will have to pay a lot more to get his buzz on if Assemblyman Jim Beall has his way.

The San Jose Democrat on Thursday proposed raising the beer tax by $1.80 per six-pack, or 30 cents per can or bottle. The current tax is 2 cents per can. That's an increase of about 1,500 percent.

Once again, proof positive that democrats couldn't care less about the little guy. Keep your hands off my damn beer.


Anonymous said...

Wonder how that will fly at the union halls.

Ben said...

i would highly doubt this absurdity would ever see the light of day as law

Liberty Card said...

Isn't this a tax that would disproportionally affect the poor?

Wouldn't this non thinking liberal weenie be better served by proposing a tax on brie and chardonnay?

gordon gekko said...

But see... he'd be paying the tax and I'm sure he would want that.