Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quarterly reminder

It's time again for my quarterly challenge to "progressives" throughout the land.

Here is the 2004 Bush-Kerry electoral map by county.

As you can see, the break down between blue and red is not a state thing but a county thing.

In those blue, urban, counties, run by "progressives" we can expect to find the following.

High taxes.
High crime.
High unemployment.
Horrible schools
Run down slums all around

In those red, exurban/suburban areas run by republicans, we can expect to find the following.

Lower taxes.
Lower crime.
Low unemployment.
Better schools.
Nice properties all around.

Now let's assume I move to the US from another country and I'm trying to choose between a blue area and a red area.

Unless I'm on a suicide mission, why would I want to move to an area run by democrats?

C'mon "progressives". Give me your best sales pitch.


Anonymous said...

Okay, well, you see, we HOPE and uh, we can CHANGE with more effort, and compassion. We will also eliminate racism and prejudice, and with that, crime will go down. In addition we will work on a global-enviro friendly city for the sake of our children.

Hows that?

gordon gekko said...

Thank you for your input Senator Obama.