Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Who will she vote for? #6

Meet Diane Usher. Why is Diane in the news?
A Milford mother was arrested late Monday and charged with participating in a drug transaction while her two small children in tow, police said.

Diane Unser, 38, is held this morning at the Hamilton County jail on charges of drug possession and child endangering, court records show.

She was arrested about 11 p.m. on Globe Avenue after Norwood police’s drug task force discovered her with crack cocaine, court records show.

Now come November, will Diane cast her presidential ballot for ....

The man who will rid our government of the corporate types who run it... Ralph Nader?
The man who will rid the government of itself.... Bob Barr?
The man who will transform racial relations in this country in Barack Obama?
Or John McCain?


Anonymous said...

DAMN!!!! She sure is purdy!!! I don't care what her political sway is I'd hit it.......not!

gordon gekko said...

The sad thing is, this honey has managed to get hooked up at least a couple of times.

Those daddy's must have been some real winners.