Wednesday, September 03, 2008

From hot to cool

I go from hot to cool on the Palin nomination, right now I'm a blazing hot.

During the vetting process, one of McCain's advisers allegedly gave her a warning about the media attacks coming which prompted this exchange....

"You know the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?"


"The lipstick"

The one thing that is frequently overlooked in her biography is the total lack of "play along to get along" game. It tells me that she's more about principle than resume.

She could have climbed up the macho ladder of Alaskan GOP politics by playing the game of winks and nods that has made Alaskan GOP politics the corrupt machine that it is today.

But she didn't.

Each and every step of her political rise has been due to actually doing something. Namely, getting rid of the stench of political "business as usual".

No wonder she has an 80% approval rating. The voters get that.

The previous Newt video really says it all. Has their been one time in either Biden's or Obama's careers where they put their political aspirations on the line, bucked the party machinery and stepped up for principle on an issue?

(cricket chirps)

I'm always saying that I think the person most qualified for the job of President is the person who least wants it. The person who believes they are called to take on all the crap. The person who, when they chose colleges and jobs, didn't do it with their eye on their political "viability".

When Sarah Palin went to the University of Idaho, took her job as a sports broadcaster, and became a city council member, I don't think she had designs on working up her resume to be a VP candidate.

Contrast this to Joe Biden, who's spent the better part of 36 years longing to be president one day and who still lives in the delusion that he would be president if "he had hair".


Ben said...

I've had thoughts here and there that maybe the pick wasnt the best, but I think that is just the media influence. I think she will do a great job tonight.

Anonymous said...

I can see why it doesn't look obvious, but it just opens up the invitations to criticize here and the media and the left fell in that trap.
I don't consider myself a pro-feminist and I admit I'm prone to a gender biased slant at times, but based on what I've seen from the Left, I'm like Mr Diversity. Bill Maher referring to her as 'the stewardess', questioning whether she can do it with 5 kids (most of whom are older, but not grown up), giving her experience far more scrutiny than they did for Obama. Tie that in with giving the nomination to Obama instead of Hillary, and the left look like misogynists.
Her speech was great, she put Obama down with great ease (couldn't anyone?). She presented the everyday folk thing that will go down well without appearing forced. It's who she is, you make a great point, she didn't intend to be a career politician. She started on the PTA!

Is she the best candidate? Maybe, maybe not, but she is still better than their presidential candidate.

I could be wrong, but the Palin news has drained Obama of exposure and the more people see her, the more she will look good. For now, I'm saying McCain's gambit is winning.

Somewhere, Joe Biden is waving over to camera crews going 'Hey, remember me?'


gordon gekko said...


I could never by into a lot of that feminist clap trap with Hillary because of her association Bill.

But when I watch three different networks last night speak to the fact that she didn't write her speech, I get what a lot of feminists are talking about.

I've never heard one talking head ever speak to a male politician's speech writer even though almost none of them write their own speeches.

Her treatment is appalling. What's more appalling is that groups like NOW are piling on.

Anonymous said...

I saw a sign at a McCain rally. "Read my lip-stick"