Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sick day measure pulled

Maggie, Right Runner and WMD all have posts on the paid sick day proposal off the ballot.

Ms. Williams said the decision "was not easy nor made lightly," but was reached after "it became clear that a shrill and vitriolic ballot campaign marred by misinformation and disinformation would be impossible to avoid."

Wait a damn minute here. Either this law was a good proposal or it was not. Since when has a "shrill and vitriolic ballot campaign" ever dissuaded a union from moving ahead on any issue. In fact, I believe everything unions touch is surrounded with "shrill and vitriolic". What's makes this so different?

There's more going on here that's not being reported. My guess is that Ted promised something big to these guys.

The good news is at least this one has been put to bed; for now.


Anonymous said...

I know of one Cincinnati company that offers its' employees three personal days a year. These are used for "whatever". If this feel good law had been enacted those would go away and the seven 'sick' days would have required a doctor's excuse to get paid.

gordon gekko said...

You are actually incorrect.

the law would have required the seven days to be added on to additional company policies.

In addition, there was no doctor excuse required for time off and a person could just say in the middle of their shift, I'm sick.

This was a horrible law all the way around.