Saturday, September 13, 2008

The hills they die on #7

I attend a mega church. Our congregation has always been privy to the "The Hills we Die On". It's kind of a mission/vision statement as to the principles our church and congregation will always live up to, or die trying.

I started thinking about this in terms of democratic politics. The democrats like to fashion themselves as a big tent party, one that's inclusive of so many interest and ideas. A party that is inclusive of dissent.

However, in the next week, we'll go after the seven hills the democratic party dies on. The things that are non-negotiable to be a true democrat. The things they'll never let you address at a party convention.

Today #7 Caribou

Caribou is actually a euphemism for environmentalism and the democratic party will always put environmental issues in front of almost everything (except no.'s 1-5). You will never hear a speaker at a democratic function put an American worker in front of a seal, except at a campaign rally in OH, PA, MI.

Seriously, have you ever heard a member of the house or senate talk about changing legislation to put people in front of the environment? What about a democratic convention? Even when The Messiah speaks to working people in small towns he turns around and disrespects them as "clinging to God and guns".

The democratic party likes to say that it's out for the working guy. But ask yourself this question; if it came down to creating jobs for working stiffs and protecting a caribou in Alaska, who wins?

We have the capability to start domestic drilling here in the US. domestic drilling accomplishes a number of good things for this country. It lessons our dependence on resources from rogue nations, it strengthens our dollar, it lessons our trade imbalance, it increases US Treasury receipts, it creates good high paying, union jobs.

Yet with all these positive aspects of domestic drilling who do you think is primarily responsible for killing it? Hint, it's not republicans.

Watch the video from a month or so ago and tell me that democrats care more about the working stiff struggling to pay $4/gal for gasoline over saving some caribou in Alaska or sea otter off the San Francisco coast

In addition what party is responsible for killing our most efficient source of energy, nuclear? Again, a source of power that provides great, union jobs for the people in our society who most need them.

Do you want to know why Joe six pack votes "provincially"? Because a high school drop out and a Teamster guy like my dad can see that liberals will always put a freakin' polar bear in front of the working guy who drinks in his bar.


Norma said...

In the USAToday there's a story about a Mass. town which no longer has its paper mills and good jobs. But the river is clean now! Duh!

gordon gekko said...

Republicans don't want polluted water or air anymore than a a liberal does. However, the earth is a resource for us. It's up to all of us to use it wisely.

If you don't believe it, go live in a wigwam somewhere in rural Montana.

We should never deprive someone's standard of living because of an endangered species.

Anonymous said...

this is a very interesting post and a very interesting mission/vision statement as to the principles our church and congregation will always live up to, or die trying.

I like this idea very much i think its amazing
