Monday, November 17, 2008

Life, and death, in "Progress" City

The city of Cincinnati, who hasn't had a republican mayor since the 1960's, is all about "progress".

How do we know? The city has already equaled it's 2007 total number of murders; obviously, a sign of progress.

With a couple of warm weekends, I know the city can surpass it's all time record set in 2006.

Keep in mind that this is a city that has about 60% of it population from the 1960's yet the murder rate continues to sky rocket as a result of "progressive" government policy.

Here's a hint for all black males between the ages of 18-30. If you want to save your life, consider joining the army and asking for a tour in Iraq. It'll be a lot safer for you there than inside all of our "progressive" cities.

Or you can become a republican and move out to the safety of Redville, where we're all clinging to our guns. We're just not out shootin' up the neighborhood.

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