Monday, November 17, 2008

Solve the auto mess. Make all companies unionize.

How is Obama going to solve this current financial mess?

Allow everyone to unionize.

Watch this conversation on CNBC with David Bonior, one of the Obamamunists, and tell me this sounds like a game plan.

We'll solve the auto woes by allowing everyone to unionize. Huh

Has it occurred to anyone that the industries most heavily unionized are the ones having the most difficulties?

Big City Governments
Big State Governments

We're in for some big time, hard times.


rt. said...

UUUUGGGHhhhhh. That was so painful. This guy clearly has sold his soul, but why was I the one in hell for 11 minutes and 47 seconds.

Just say "No, No, No" to the big 3 bailout.

Anonymous said...

I had to bail early also. Our country is doomed with idots like him.

I also saw a poll at Gateway Pundit that will make you barf. They asked Obama voters 12 questions, the answers will shock you. These people don't have sense enough to draw a breath.

gordon gekko said...

Thanks for the tip. I have it up.

Anonymous said...

The dems just got done with three decades of trying to shut down big, bad auto. Gas guzzler making, pollution spewing, worker exploiting, no-good capitalist pig scum are just of the few of the adjectives the dems use to describe the auto companies.

To which I say, be careful what you wish for. Now the dems and their union henchmen have all but made these companies obsolete. So now that the dems have been so successful in destroying the crown jewels of our economy, they once again are going to do what they always do with an expensive, failing enterprise; subsidize it. That way they can keep pumping out automobiles that no one will buy.

Failures should not be allowed to survive. The car companies need to file bankruptcy. They need to cut the fat off the bone and tell the union to take a hike.

In the end a bankruptcy would be the best for company and worker alike.

gordon gekko said...

As Reagan would say. If it moves regulate it, if it keeps moving tax it, when it stops moving, subsidize it.