Sunday, March 08, 2009

More Steyn

Steyn ripping on the doofuses who are surprised that The One is........... liberal....

National Journal's Stuart Taylor becomes the latest sophisticated analyst to notice the moderate bipartisan centrist in the White House is behaving very oddly. Or as Mr Taylor's headline puts it:

Obama's Left Turn

What left turn? He's chugging in the same direction he has since he decided to become a "community organizer". His budget is entirely consistent with his voting record as a US Senator, his state politics back in Illinois, his friends and political mentors......


As for Stuart Taylor, he still doesn't quite get it:

The house is burning down. It's no time to be watering the grass.

If only. The house is burning down. And Obama's soaking the neighboring buildings in Exxon-Mobil's finest. Fortunately for Mr Taylor's fit of the wobbles, the alternative to the Obama Fire Department is a GOP "dominated by such hard-right conservatives as Rush Limbaugh". Twenty-five million people listened to Rush last week. Millions of them have listened to him for 20 years. That makes them "hard-right" extremists.

Whereas being one of a few thousand who listened to Jeremiah Wright every week for 20 years makes you a mainstream moderate.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are 25 million people who believe smaller government is better than bigger government. This is not a hard right. It's American. Rush just makes the point in a concise, pointed way. I can't believe how thin-skinned the libs are on this. It's just one of the million things that libs find offensive. We need to stop worrying about hurting liberals feelings. Big government is a bad thing and we should not let the libs get away with painting those who want smaller government as Nazi's (ala Michael Steele).

The Nazi's were socialists. Nothing could be further from the Nazi party than the conservative base. I can't believe how lazy so-called conservative journalism is. Kathleen Parker, David Brooks, et al lap up the anti-conservative tripe that they are fed and half heartedly defend conservatism as "not really as bad as the Nazi's". They go along with the belief that talk radio is hard right. We need to turn these guys loose and get true journalism back.