Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Life in "Progress" City

From Chicago, The Windy City, who hasn't had a republican run the city since man split from monkey on the evolution tree..........

A startling number of children are falling through the cracks at one Chicago Public School. More than half of the kids didn't even pass the eighth grade. As CBS 2's Jim Williams reports there is fierce debate about who's to blame.

It is a debate that has gone on for years in poor communities: do you blame the schools for the students' poor performance or do you blame their parents?

You probably remember the old days when eighth grade was the toughest grade to finish with the whole being able to read and all.........


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Part of the problem is that they used to teach reading, writing and arithmentic, bada bing!! End of story. That's what's needed to go far in life.

Now they don't teach that. Instead they teach why it's not being taught, and they teach why an inner city kid, with his inner city challenges, can't learn, why it's the fault of non-liberals, and that he should be bitter about what kind of miserable life he has to lead because of it.

Oh, and condoms. Lots of condoms.