Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Give Peace a Chance

There's a guy in my neighborhood that post these kind of signs on a tree near his house.

What exactly does "Wage Peace" mean? If I went up to his house with a ball bat and started beating him and his family up with it would he "Wage Peace" with me.

Of course not Gordon, he would call the cops. What if there were no cops available, would he match my force or would he simply want to find out about my family background.

I'm a lover not a fighter, so I like to think of myself as one of those wage peace guys. But I've also been in about a dozen fights in my life. Each one with someone, a bully, who needed force matched with force.

The same applies to war. Let's see 256 marines killed in Beirut in 1984, wage peace. First World Trade Center Bombing, wage peace. Embassy bombings in Kenya, Tanzania, etc., wage peace. The USS Cole bombing, wage peace. Khobar Tower bombings, wage peace.

Let's see waging peace has meant that more than 4,000 innocent men women and children have been killed culminating with the 9/11 attacks.

I would offer that wage peace isn't really an effective means of battling terrorism.

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