Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Supremes

The Supreme Court has come out with a flurry of decisions as it does every June and it will be time for the annual civics lesson for all those who know nothing about the US Constitution. This would include Justices Souter, Breyer, Ginsberg and Stevens.

The media would have you believe that the Hein v Freedom from From Religion Foundation case was all about government funding of programs sponsored by religious groups but really at issue was who has standing in the case. Meaning I can't sue your employer for firing you unlawfully because I have no standing, no dog in the fight.

Too often the media wants to focus on who wins the case and not the actual law being administered.

For instance, let's say the statute of limitations on a wrongful death suit is 5 years. Your company commits an offense where my wife is killed but it takes me six years for me to file suit. If a court ruled in favor of the company, the NY Times would have a big headline stating "Court Rules for Big Business Again!"

But the court would simply be adhering to the law as it's written. This is the case in Hein.

I love reading the press release from FFRF

Money quote

The U.S. Supreme Court's 5-4 decision today in Hein v. FFRF granting the executive branch the freedom to violate the separation of church and state without court review spells "imperial presidency,"

For the FFRF gang, Here is actually what the 1st Amendment states.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and
to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Where in that is the expression "separation of church and state"?

In fact when the framers put together the constitution they knew full well that some states may have a "state religion". What they didn't want was a Church of England that was government church and with that came federal power over the masses.

The amendment says nothing about school districts sanctioning school prayer and it definitely says nothing about funding a federal program run by a church.

One of the results of horrible public education in this country is by dumbing down the masses you can manipulate them by altering the language. It's Animal Farm all over the liberal agenda.

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