Saturday, November 10, 2007

Global Warming Apocalypse

I happened to run into this article in Rolling Stone magazine about a scientist who is predicting an outright global warming catastrophe with 6 billion people dying before the end of the century.

Let's assume this could happen. Right now we have about 8 billion on the planet. As a result of global warming, 6 billion die. That puts our population at about two billion people.

Doesn't it make sense to assume that if the population were to reduce to two billion people on the planet, all in the polar areas as a result of migration (according to Dr. Lovelock) that, by itself, will result in fewer people to emit CO2 and, as a result, lower climate temperatures?

It's one of the things that cracks me up about this whole global warming debate. It doesn't even pass my 5th grade science class logic.

Remember when you were taught that trees inhale CO2 and exhale oxygen. Wouldn't it make sense that right now the additional CO2 is making plant life more abundant and therefore more likely to emit oxygen into the atmosphere?

Of course it does. But now we have to deal with the results of a ridiculous education system that leaves our children effective illiterates.

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