Thursday, November 08, 2007

Typical government move

In a move reminiscent of a school board cutting football right after a failed levy, Hamilton County announced yesterday they are going to discontinue Over the Rhine patrols.

Let me make sure I have this right.

You had the money for these patrols Monday, Wednesday you didn't. Even though this tax was to have nothing to do with funding these patrols.

Yesterday, I listened to Todd Portune whine and moan about doomsday scenarios. Here's the deal Todd. We pay you to make the hard decisions. You don't like the responsibility, get the hell out of the way and let someone else do the job.

This jail tax let you guys off the hook for making the hard calls.

The fact is the county has already spent a half a billion dollars to house criminals (aka football players) down at Paul Brown Stadium. We saw how we got totally ripped off in that process.

We've witnessed the building of a slave museum on prime Cincinnati real estate. A museum no one wanted but now has it's hand out for public funding.

We've watch the county and city develop a pile of dirt on the Riverfront into a pile of dirt on the Riverfront.

So here's the deal, do you're damn job and then come back to the taxpayer's to fund a pet project.

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