Saturday, December 15, 2007

The "christian" candidate?

It appears Huckabee's surge in the polls have caused quite a debate as to who the "Christian" candidate should be, or more importantly, struck a real debate as to the role of faith in elections.

NixGuy, RedState, Right on the Right and Brian Shavings have all got good takes on the issue.

While these guys have some insight, I like to refer to the man himself, Jesus Christ, on the issue.

In Matthew 22:21 Jesus says Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God those things that are God's. NIV

Many Christians have interpreted this to mean "My wealth is not Caesar's so I'm going to give it to God".

But I think what Jesus was saying is (to crudely paraphrase) "I'm not here to deal with Caesar's, or Hitler's or Stalin's. I'm here to connect your heart to God. Government's are going to do what government's are going to do. With that said, what will you do to clean up your relationship with God".

Jesus understood the world would always be full of tyrants, murderers and con men. He wasn't really interested in dealing with those issues. He was most interested in each individual person's soul.

With that said, it does beg the question, WWJE? "Who would Jesus endorse"?

First, I don't think he would even vote let alone endorse. But I don't think he would encourage any of us to vote for a moron just because he was a "Christian".

Second, remember who Jesus had the most problems with? The religious types. Pharisees, I believe.

So all that's a long winded way of my saying, I don't care how close to God Mike Huckebee is; I could never vote for him simply based on his speech that's all over youtube. Anyone that at ease to increase taxes is not a good candidate in my mind.

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