Friday, December 14, 2007

Trouble for Hillary?

Now that the conventional wisdom is "Hillary's in trouble", I think I need to be the contrarian once again.

As I said last week, the early primaries are less about running against your opponent than running against expectations.

You can pull 10% of the vote in Iowa, but if the talking heads predicted 5%, you're going to dominate the headlines for a few days. The converse is also true. If Rudy's looking at 30% in the polls and only draws 20%, put a stake in 'im.

Now that Hillary's poll numbers are going down faster than one of Bill's skanks, she's effectively lowered expectations; especially for the media. It's a perfect set up, she's now looking at potentially losing one or more of these early elections.

But what happens if she wins them all by a slim margin? or loses but it's tight? The media's going to be on it like bears on honey.

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