Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mr Gorbachev, let's build that wall

What's in this picture?

These are the pylons installed to build a wall along this stretch of interstate.

Gordon, it's about time the feds finally started building that wall to keep illegals out of the country.

Except this picture wasn't taken in Texas, Arizona or California; it's Ohio.

And the wall the feds are building has nothing to do with immigration.

This is one of those sound walls. You know.... graffiti magnets.....the thousands of miles of wall built near interstates so people don't have to hear noise from the freeway. Even though many built their homes well after the freeway was built, knowing full well the noise pattern.

So I would like someone to explain to me how we have billions upon billions of dollars to build sound barriers that are no more effective than a good planting of trees, yet we can't seem to find enough money to patrol 1969 miles of border.

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