Sunday, January 27, 2008

Liberals Anonymous

A 13 step program from the American Thinker.

Many LibAnon members have never before experienced an opinion actually based in either fact or the experiential real world, much less both. Academicians, politicians, and Episcopalians are the organization's most difficult members in which to affect even a semblance of thought moderation - much less cure.

An important part of the recovery program to which Liberals Anonymous subscribes is set forth in the chart below - 13 Prescriptive Principles or "Steps." These principles can be traced to experiences of LibAnon's membership following Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's unsuccessful attempt to stack the U.S. Supreme Court in order to impose by handpicked judicial fiat what he could not accomplish through Congress nor the ballot box.
Here's Step 1

1. WE admit we are not powerless over liberalism, but nevertheless, that we have allowed it to make a mockery of our cities, our schools, our universities, our borders, our foreign policy, and our daily lives.


1 comment:

Libertarian Jason said...

I've never really bought that whole "liberals are emotional, conservatives are rational" dichotomy. Most conservatives I know are equally prone to vacations from logic and rationality.