Sunday, January 27, 2008

More on the Billary

The Weekly Standard on the democratic demography

Tonight's results from South Carolina will bring forth the fun house mirror that is modern media spin. Das Hillary Apparat will attempt to pin a racial subtext on Obama no matter what the result. If he wins big, it will be about "record" black turnout. If he wins small, it will be that his appeal is "limited" to African Americans. Bill Clinton will jump in the media cycle tomorrow, grabbing some poor network embed by the lapels and unloading a purple-faced lecture to the whirring cameras about how the shameful media shall never, ever bait a true selfless hero of the civil rights movement such as himself into making Barack Obama's race an issue in this campaign, especially in the South, where race is such a big issue.

If you actually look at the results, the Clinton race spin is humbug. Obama has done well in white states; winning Iowa, coming close in New Hampshire; and winning the white rural areas of Nevada. Plus he obviously does well with African Americans; a group the Clinton campaign was spinning as "divided" by Obama just months ago. The candidate with the more limited demographic appeal is clearly Hillary Clinton, who so far has proven herself a rock star only to the Virginia Slims-'n'-menopause set and their sensible-shoe-wearing sisters in the upper middle classes.


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