Saturday, January 26, 2008

Those liberals are awfully slow

I've been a little giddy reading all these liberal hit pieces on The Billary's dirty campaigning. After all, conservatives have been saying this for only about, oh, say 16 years.

Well, it looks as though liberals are either slow to recognize this character flaw or complicit in the dirty tactics. Now look at what they have... a badly flawed candidate to present to the general election.

Here's a LA Time editorial on the issue

Something strange happened the other day. All these different people -- friends, co-workers, relatives, people on a liberal e-mail list I read -- kept saying the same thing: They've suddenly developed a disdain for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Maybe this is just a coincidence, but I think we've reached an irrevocable turning point in liberal opinion of the Clintons.
The sentiment seems to be concentrated among Barack Obama supporters. Going into the campaign, most of us liked Hillary Clinton just fine, but the fact that tens of millions of Americans are seized with irrational loathing for her suggested that she might not be a good Democratic nominee. But now that loathing seems a lot less irrational. We're not frothing Clinton haters like ... well, name pretty much any conservative. We just really wish they'd go away.
The Clinton campaign is trying to make it seem as if the complaint is about negativity, and it is pointing out that Obama has criticized Hillary as well. That's what politicians are supposed to do when they compete for votes. But criticism isn't the same thing as lying and sleaze-mongering.

Am I starting to sound like a Clinton hater? It's a scary thought. Of course, to conservatives, it's a delicious thought. The Wall Street Journal published a gloating editorial noting that liberals had suddenly learned "what everyone else already knows about the Clintons." (By "everyone," it means Republicans.)

It made me wonder: Were the conservatives right about Bill Clinton all along? Maybe not right to set up a perjury trap so they could impeach him, but right about the Clintons' essential nature? Fortunately, the Journal's attempt to convince us that the Clintons have always been unscrupulous liars seemed to prove the opposite. Its examples of Clintonian lies were their claims that Bob Dole wanted to cut Medicare, that there was a vast right-wing conspiracy, that Paula Jones was "trailer trash" and that Kenneth Starr was a partisan.

As much as I hate The Billary, I have to admit I've had a huge curiosity as to why liberals have such a love affair with them. The Billary would throw the whole liberal agenda under the bus (and they have with welfare reform, don't ask don't tell, capital punishment) to advance their own narcissism.

Conservatives never play that game. Just look at the lackluster support for any of these moderate candidates.

So I beg all these libs, please continue your support of The Billary. As I've said before, The Billary gets all these rave reviews for being such a popular US president yet never had more than 49% of the popular vote. The new and improved Billary has all the charm of a rattlesnake.

I can't wait to watch whatever GOP nominee comes in to put a stake in the heart of the liberal God once and for all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You also need a clothspin for your nose for the RINO candidates.