Saturday, March 01, 2008

Cracking down on illegals

Norbert Nadel wants the state to pass a law making it illegal to hire an illegal.

A Hamilton County judge is asking Ohio lawmakers to adopt a law that punishes those who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.

"This cracks down on the employers," Judge Norbert Nadel said Wednesday. "If there's no well for them to drink out of, they won't come."

Nadel has nothing against immigrants, but thinks they should be here legally.

Hey Norbert, what exactly do you do when an illegal passes through your courtroom? Do you call INS? There's no mention in the article of the criminal being passed to INS once his sentence is completed.

I was in a muni court a few years ago on a traffic ticket. I was struck by the number of immigrants in court for DUI's, drving without insurance, license, etc.

What do you think the judge did in each of those cases? If you answered nothing, you get a gold star.

So let me make sure I have this right. We, as employers, have to do law enforcements job. The legal system does nothing when they have an illegal and yet we're punished when we don't even have the resources available to check to see if the applicant's documentation is fraudulent.

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