Saturday, March 01, 2008


For one old dude this, Kissinger (84) guy still gets it.

In this interview with Spiegel online, he provides great insight as to why European leaders love George Bush. Basically, they can use him as a punching bag to mask their own inferior policies yet know that the US will always do the heavy lifting. Pretty much the thinking of liberals around the world; let the rich pay for everything and then bitch because you have nothing.

I think it is obvious that the United States cannot permanently do all the fighting for Western interests by itself. So, two conclusions are possible: Either there are no Western interests in the region and we don't fight. Or there are vital Western interests in the region and we have to fight. That means we need more German and NATO troops (more...) in Afghanistan. What I am not comfortable with is that some NATO members send troops primarily for non-combat missions. That cannot be a healthy situation in the long term.

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